Friday, April 08, 2016


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Getting ready for the Spring term.  I am teaching a couple of classes.  One is a repeat (Intro to Human Geography) and the other hasn't been taught since 2008 (Geography of Water).  

For the Water class, I have to re-work some things.  New edition of the textbook and some new ideas for class itself.  I hope to do some group-based work as well as the usual " bring people up to speed" with concepts and ideas.  The class is a 200 level class and I know I have some repeat students.  This is always nice as those kids know the ropes of my style of  teaching and also can get the class off to a comfortable start.

Other stuff going on for me inside of the College:

Working on a search committee for a new hire in  -- this is exciting stuff as we have a GREAT pool.  We're moving on in the search in the next week or so.  I think the hire could change my teaching at the College (it depends on who we hire).  I am scheduled to teach WITH the person next year but it could be that some of the more physical geography elements of my water class get moved into one of the new person's classes.  Interesting times.

I went to a great workshop yesterday  -- a teaching technology thing.  There's so much to learn.  I cling, though, to the idea that to a person with a hammer everything might look like a nail.... I try to learn stuff but only use it when it actually works for me.

Good Spring to all!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

So here we are in late November 2010 -- quite a site!
Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 11, 2010

One of things I have been doing is using more interactive maps in class -- the key is to keep track of the maps with durable links so they can be used again and again.  The NYT maps of migration (remittances, migration totals etc.) as well as their occasional county-scale  maps for elections, geography of foreign born etc.  I also have enjoyed the Christian Science Monitor/PBS collaboration called Patchwork Nation.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I haven't been doing much with this blog.
That might change...
Went to see U2 3D last week -- where was this soccer stadium?
I will work on that and figure it out.

Testing to see if Ian is taking a peek.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Questions & Answers: Gander

I spotted this page trying to figure out the phrase "take a gander" -- I thought that Cockney rhyming slang was involved. No such luck.
Lots of skim on this page.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Informed Comment

A rock-solid up to date blog on Iraq and other doings in the Middle East. Cole is a professor of history.